Can Churches Require Face Masks? Regarding the issue of face masks: does the civil government have authority over the church of Jesus Christ? Does the church have legislative authority?
Is Arminianism a damnable heresy?
Can an Arminian preacher be a damnable heretic who preaches a false gospel of mans free will instead of the true gospel of Gods sovereign grace? Yes, surely. Find out why here.
Do You Know the Truth About Being Born Again?
Do you believe that being born again results from being born into a Christian family, water baptism, or making a decision for Christ? If so, hear what the Lord Jesus Christ says on the matter!
The Regulative Principle and Singing in Worship
The elements of Christian worship must be only those which are revealed in Scripture. Is there biblical warrant for singing uninspired hymns?
Should You Keep the Sabbath?
Did the church change the day? Or does first-day observance have divine sanction? How should the Sabbath be observed?
Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards
At last! After 300 years, the first complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms! Order a printed copy for your Bible reference library.