DatePreacherTitleSermon Text
2/2/25Stephen PribbleThe Multitude Which No One Can NumberRev. 7:9–17
2/2/25Wesley ReynoldsThe Humiliation and Exaltation of ChristIs. 53; Heb. 12:1–2
1/26/25Stephen PribbleA Man of the WordPs. 119:1–8
1/26/25Stephen PribbleCalling on the Name of the LORDGen. 4:16–26; Rom. 10:5–18
1/19/25Wesley ReynoldsOf Church CensureJosh. 7
1/19/25Stephen PribbleI Will Heal Their Land2 Chron. 7
1/12/25Stephen PribbleThe True IsraelRev. 7:1–8
1/12/25Stephen PribbleGod's Bountiful GiftsGen. 19:1–3, 12–16; 2 Thess. 3:16–18
1/5/25Stephen PribbleShould We Listen to the Dragon's Prophecy?Is. 26:20–27; Rev. 12:9, 20:2
1/5/25Stephen PribbleThe Aim of DisciplinePs. 141; 2 Thess. 3:14–15
12/29/24Stephen PribbleWhat to do When Your World Falls ApartHab. 3:12–19; Rom. 8:18–39
12/29/24Stephen PribbleHe Has Made Us Kings and Priests to GodGen. 2:8–20; Rev. 1:1–6
12/22/24Stephen PribbleThe Lord of PeacePs. 72; 2 Thess. 3:16
12/15/24Stephen PribbleDo Not Grow Weary in Doing GoodIs. 40:21–31; 2 Thess 3:10–15; Gal. 6:9
12/8/24Stephen PribbleConsequences of ApostasyRev. 6:12–17
12/8/24Stephen PribbleA Theology of WorkProv. 24:27–34; 2 Thess. 3:10–12
12/1/24Stephen PribbleNever AlonePs. 23; John 11:1–44
11/24/24Stephen PribbleThe Rock of Our SalvationPs. 95:1–2
11/24/24Stephen PribbleThankful for the Gospel!Ps. 48; Heb. 12:18–25
11/17/24Stephen PribbleCome before His Presence with ThanksgivingPs. 95
11/17/24Stephen PribbleLord of the SabbathIs. 43:1–7; Luke 6:1–11
11/10/24Stephen PribbleIn Christ We Have a FutureRev. 6:9–11
11/10/24Stephen PribbleThe Necessity of Church DisciplineDeut. 11:8–28; 2 Thess. 3:6–9
11/3/24Stephen PribbleMartyred for the Faith1 Sam. 22:6–19; Rev. 6:9–11
11/3/24Stephen PribbleEnemies of the FaithEz. 4:1–16; 2 Thess 3:1–5
10/27/24Stephen PribbleDangerous TimesPs. 64; Rev. 6:5–8
10/27/24Stephen PribbleThat the World of the Lord May RunJer. 36:20–31; 2 Thess. 3:1–5
10/20/24Stephen PribbleA Scary World without PeaceRev. 6:1–4
10/20/24Stephen PribbleEverlasting ConsolationIs. 51:1–12; 2 Thess. 2:13–17
10/13/24Wesley ReynoldsNo Quarter!Josh. 6:20–27
10/13/24Wesley ReynoldsContrition: The Heart of the JustPs. 51:10–19; Luke 18:9–14
10/6/24Stephen PribbleChrist the Judge of All Who Reject HimRev. 6:1–4
10/6/24Stephen PribbleAccountabilityIs. 14:4–15; Matt. 8:5–13; Luke 7:1–10
9/29/24Stephen PribbleWorthy is the Lamb Who Was Slain!Rev. 5:11–14
9/29/24Stephen PribbleSafety for God's ElectIs. 42:1–9; 2 Thess. 2:13–14
9/22/24Stephen PribbleGod's Love for SinnersIs. 55:6–11; John 3:1–16
9/22/24Stephen PribbleChrist's Power over DemonsPs. 106:34–42; Luke 9:37–42
9/15/24Wesley ReynoldsLike Those Who DreamPs. 126
9/15/24Stephen PribbleOur Only True ProtectionHosea 6; 2 Thess. 2:7–12
9/8/24Stephen PribbleNo Ordinary Lamb!Rev. 5:6–10
9/8/24Stephen PribbleThe Story of the BibleGen. 17:1–14
9/1/24Stephen PribbleUnderstanding the FutureRev. 5:1–7
9/1/24Stephen PribbleHow to Identify a False ChurchDeut. 13:1–11;2 Thess. 2:1–4
8/25/24Wesley ReynoldsA Holy ProcessionJosh. 6:1–19
8/25/24Stephen PribbleApostolic PrayerPs. 48; 2 Thess. 1:11–12
8/18/24Stephen PribbleHeavenly Worship (2)Rev. 4:6–11
8/18/24Stephen PribbleTwo DestiniesDeut. 32:35–43; 2 Thess. 1:6–10
8/11/24Stephen PribbleHeavenly Worship (1)Rev. 4:1–5
8/11/24Stephen PribbleHow the Judgment to Come Brings HopePs. 73; 2 Thess. 1:3–10
8/4/24Stephen PribbleThe Throne Room of HeavenRev. 4:1–5
8/4/24Stephen PribbleThe Righteous Judgment of GodGen. 18; 2 Thess. 1:3–10
7/28/24Stephen PribbleFellowship with ChristRev. 3:14–22
7/28/24Stephen PribbleChristian GrowthPs. 1; 2 Thess. 1:1–5
7/21/24Stephen PribbleThe Lukewarm ChurchRev. 3:14–22
7/21/24Stephen PribbleSpecial DeliveryIs. 37:8–20; 2 Thess. 1:1–2
7/14/24Stephen PribbleSynagogue of Satan: ApplicationRev. 3:7–13
7/14/24Stephen PribbleWhat the Church NeedsPs. 61; 1 Thess. 5:25–28
7/7/24Stephen PribbleEncouragement for Obedient ChristiansRev. 3:7–13
7/7/24Stephen PribbleGod's Wonderful Plan for Your Life1 Chron. 29:1–19; 1 Thess. 5:23–24
6/30/24Stephen PribbleThe Faithful ChurchRev. 3:7–13
6/30/24Stephen PribbleReceiving the Word of GodNeh. 9:5–8; 1 Thess. 5:19–22
6/23/24Stephen PribbleActive but DeadRev. 3:1–6
6/23/24Stephen PribbleThe Fellowship of the Saints (reprise)Rom. 16:1–16
6/16/24Stephen PribbleResponses to AdversityPs. 34:1–10; 1 Thess. 5:16–18
6/9/24Stephen PribblePastoral CareEzek. 3:17–21; 1 Thess. 5:14–15
6/9/24Stephen PribbleLive in Peace with One AnotherIsa. 48:17–22; 1 Thess. 5:13b
6/2/24Stephen PribbleRooting Out CorruptionRev. 2:18–29
6/2/24Stephen PribbleThe Myth of the Sovereign ConsumerEzra 6:13–18; 1 Thess. 5:12–13
5/26/24Wesley ReynoldsThe Roll Call of FaithCol. 4:7–18
5/26/24Wesley ReynoldsRenewing the TimeCol. 4:1–6
5/19/24Wesley ReynoldsAbove All, Put on LoveCol. 3:12–22
5/19/24Wesley ReynoldsSet Your Mind on Things AboveCol. 3:1–11
5/12/24Wesley ReynoldsAlive With ChristCol. 2:11–23
5/5/24Wesley ReynoldsThe Exalted Christ JesusCol. 1:15–29
5/5/24Wesley ReynoldsThe Kingdom and the GloryCol. 1:1–14
4/28/24Stephen PribbleThe Compromising ChurchRev. 2:12–17
4/28/24Stephen PribbleAppointed to SalvationDeut. 7:6–11; 1 Thess. 5:8–11
4/21/24Stephen PribbleThe Persecuted ChurchRev. 2:8–11
4/21/24Wesley ReynoldsA Touch of Sabaoth in the NightJosh. 5:13–15
4/14/24Stephen PribbleThe Loveless ChurchRev. 2:1–7
4/14/24Stephen PribbleSpiritual Watchfulness1 Chron. 12:23–37; 1 Thess. 5:6–11
4/7/24Stephen PribbleThe Exalted ChristRev. 1:9–20
4/7/24Stephen PribbleFacing the FuturePs. 73:12–24; 1 Thess. 5:1–5
3/31/24Stephen PribbleThe Second Coming2 Kings 2:5–12; 1 Thess. 4:13–18
3/24/24Stephen PribbleTo Him Who Loved UsRev. 1:1–8
3/24/24Stephen PribbleSleeping in Jesus1 Kings 2:1–4, 10–12; Dan. 12:1–3
3/17/24Stephen PribbleThe Time is NearRev. 1
3/17/24Stephen PribbleBrotherly LoveLev. 19:9–18; 1 Thess. 4:9–12
3/10/24Stephen PribbleWhy Jerusalem Fell: God's Persepective2 Chron. 36:15–21
3/10/24Stephen PribbleCalled to HolinessIsa. 35; 1 Thess. 4:1–8
3/3/24Stephen PribbleProgressive SanctificationProv. 4:10–19; 1 Thess. 4:1–8
2/25/24Wesley ReynoldsCovenantal RenewalJosh. 5:10–12
2/25/24Stephen PribbleIncreasing and Abounding in LoveLev. 19:13–18; 1 Thess. 3:11–13
2/18/24Stephen PribbleThe Fall of Jerusalem2 Chron. 36:15–21
2/18/24Stephen PribbleWhat Encourages a Pastor Most2 Sam. 18:19–33; 1 Thess. 3:6–10
2/11/24Stephen PribbleThe Bitterness of Rebellion2 Chron. 36:1–14
2/11/24Stephen PribbleAppointed for AfflictionsGen. 41:46–52; 1 Thess. 3:1–5
2/4/24Stephen PribbleWorship and War2 Chron. 35
2/4/24Stephen PribbleOrphaned from the ChurchPs. 42; Ps. 137:1–6; 1 Thess. 2:17–20
1/28/24Dr. Doug FelchThe Comfort of GodPhil. 3:3–16; Col. 1:24–27; 1 Pet. 4:1–2; 2 Cor. 1:3–7
1/21/24Wesley ReynoldsThe Coming of Christ, According to RevelationGen. 3:6–15; Rev. 12
1/14/24Mike McCabeThe Trinity and MissionsGen. 1:1–27; John 17:6–26
1/7/24Wesley ReynoldsThe Coming of Christ, According to GenesisGen. 3:6–15; Matt. 1:18–21
12/31/23Stephen PribbleThe Christian's Focus in PersecutionLam. 5; 1 Thess. 2:13–16
12/24/23Stephen PribbleThe First FamilyPs. 103; 1 Thess. 2:8–12
12/17/23Stephen PribbleWholesome Words, Christlike ActionsPs. 12; 1 Thess. 2:5–8
12/10/23Stephen PribbleFaithfulness in Challenging Times2 Chron. 35:1–9
12/10/23Stephen PribbleUnstoppable DeterminationDan. 3:8–25; 1 Thess. 2:1–4
12/3/23Isaque Lins Sant'AnnaThe Works of the Holy Spirit Through StephenActs 6:8–15
12/3/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Congregation of the LordJosh. 5:1–9; Col. 1:9–18
11/26/23Stephen PribbleWhat If We Had No Bible?2 Chron. 34:18–33
11/26/23Stephen PribbleNo In-BetweenEzek. 36:16–32; 1 Thess. 1:8–10
11/19/23Stephen PribbleJoy in Affliction1 Thess. 1:6–10
11/12/23Stephen PribbleBuilding the House of the LORD2 Chron. 34:8–19
11/12/23Stephen PribbleWould You Attend This Church?1 Thess. 1
11/5/23Stephen PribbleSing to the LORDPs. 96
11/5/23Stephen PribbleHow Can You Know If You're Elect?1 Thess. 1:4–7
10/29/23Wesley ReynoldsThe MemorialsJosh. 4
10/29/23Stephen PribbleTrue Conversion1 Thess. 1:2–4
10/22/23Stephen PribbleWhy the Emphasis on Idolatry?2 Chron. 34:1–13
10/22/23Stephen PribbleAn Encouraging Letter1 Thess. 1:1
10/15/23Stephen PribbleTwo Deaths, Two Destinies2 Chron. 33:18–25
10/15/23Stephen PribbleGod's TruthHeb. 6:13–20
10/8/23Wesley ReynoldsNative GroundJosh. 3
10/8/23Stephen PribbleInfinitely, Eternally and Unchangeably GoodPs. 107
10/1/23Stephen PribbleSpirit-Taught Repentance2 Chron. 33
10/1/23Stephen PribbleGod's JusticeRom. 3:19–26
9/24/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Victorious ReportJosh. 2:8–24
9/24/23Stephen PribbleGod Is Holy1 Pet. 1:13–21
9/17/23Stephen PribbleWhat Happens to Those Who Mock God?2 Chron. 32:9–33
9/17/23Stephen PribbleGod OmnipotentRev. 1:1–8
9/10/23Wesley ReynoldsHoly EspionageJosh. 2:1–11
9/10/23Stephen PribbleInfinitely WiseRom. 11:25–36
9/3/23Stephen PribbleTrials and Testings2 Chron. 31:20–32:21
9/3/23Stephen PribbleThe God Who IsJohn 8:51–59
8/27/23Wesley ReynoldsJoshua 1 (Part 2)Josh. 1:10–18
8/27/23Stephen PribbleGod Is UnchangeableJames 1:9–18
8/20/23Stephen PribbleBlessings of Obedience2 Chron. 31
8/20/23Stephen PribbleGod Is EternalRom. 11:33–36
8/13/23Stephen PribbleChrist the King and Head of His Church2 Chron. 30:13–27
8/13/23Stephen PribbleGod Is InfiniteRom. 11:33–36
8/6/23Wesley ReynoldsJoshua 1 (Part 1)Josh. 1
8/6/23Stephen PribbleGod Is a SpiritJohn 1:18, 4:19–24
7/30/23Stephen PribbleThe Necessity of JustificationRom. 3:9–28
7/23/23Stephen PribbleTwo Responses to God's Grace and Mercy2 Chron. 30:1–14
7/23/23Stephen PribbleSwearing a Covenant before the LordHeb. 10:11
7/16/23Stephen PribbleThe Congregation's Role in Worship2 Chron. 29:20–36
7/16/23Stephen PribbleThe Believer’s OuterwearCol. 3:1–17
7/9/23Stephen PribbleThe Priority of Worship2 Chron. 29:20–36
7/9/23Stephen PribbleLetting the Word Dwell Richly Within1 Chron. 16:23–29
7/2/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Third TimeJohn 21
7/2/23Stephen PribbleGood News for Jew and GentileHab. 2:1–4; Rom. 1:1–17
6/18/23Stephen PribblePurity of Worship2 Chron. 1:29:1–19
6/18/23Stephen PribbleDiscipleshipIsa. 6:8–13; Acts 28:23–31
6/11/23Stephen PribbleGod Brings Light out of Darkness2 Chron. 28
6/11/23Stephen PribbleDivisionsGen. 1:1–10; Acts 28:17–22
6/4/23Stephen PribbleA Light in a Dark WorldPs. 107:23–32; Acts 28:11–16
5/28/23Stephen PribbleExemplary HospitalityGen. 18:1–16; Acts 28:1–10
5/14/23Stephen PribbleLife Is a JourneyPs. 107:23–32; Acts 27:1–20
5/1/23Stephen PribbleAlmost PersuadedEzek. 33:30–33; Acts 26:24–32
4/30/23Wesley ReynoldsAlive Again!John 20:19–31
4/30/23Stephen PribbleConversionPs. 51:1–13; Acts 26:1–23
4/23/23Wesley ReynoldsJesus the Risen OneJohn 20:1–18
4/23/23Stephen PribbleSuffering InjusticePs. 89:1–18; Acts 25:13–27
4/16/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Messiah’s CrossJohn 19
4/9/23Stephen PribbleRejecting Wise Counsel2 Chron. 24:17–27
4/9/23Stephen PribbleA Convenient TimeProv. 6:1–11; Acts 24:22–27
4/2/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Redeeming KingJohn 18:28–40
4/2/23Stephen PribbleWhen to Defend YourselfPs. 107:31–32; Acts 24:10–21
3/19/23Stephen PribbleUnjustly AccusedPs. 12; Acts 24:1–9
3/12/23Stephen PribbleJust Coincidence?Num. 35:9–34; Acts 23:16–35
2/26/23Stephen PribbleHope of the ResurrectionDan. 12; Acts 23:1–10
2/19/23Stephen PribbleOrder in the CourtPs. 82; Acts 22:30–23:10
2/12/23Stephen PribbleLetter from Elijah2 Chron. 21:11–20
2/12/23Wesley ReynoldsThe Horn and His HeraldLuke 1:67–80
2/5/23Stephen PribbleThe Benefits of CitizenshipExod. 19:1–9; Acts 22:22–29
1/29/23Stephen PribbleAn Exclusive Club?Jonah 1:1–15; Acts 22:12–22
1/22/23Stephen PribbleSold Out to the LordExod. 34:10–14; Acts 21:40–22:9
1/15/23Stephen PribbleAn Effectual Prayer, a Dramatic Deliverance2 Chron. 20:1–23
1/15/23Stephen PribbleGod’s Sovereignty and Human SpeechGen. 11:1–9; Acts 21:30–22:2
1/8/23Stephen PribbleWho’s Afraid of the Christian Faith?1 Kings 18:1–15; Acts 21:26–40
12/18/22Stephen PribbleChristian Friendship1 Sam. 20:30–42; Acts 20:36–21:16
12/4/22Stephen PribbleThe Believer’s Heavenly InheritanceExod. 34:1–9; Acts 20:32–38
11/27/22Stephen PribbleTake Heed to YourselvesDeut. 11:13–17; Acts 20:25–31
11/20/22Stephen PribbleThe Whole Counsel of GodEzek. 3:16–21; Acts 20:25–31
11/13/22Stephen PribbleThe Centrality of the GospelIsa. 52:7–10; Acts 20:13–24
10/30/22Stephen PribbleThe Need for PeacemakersPs. 34; Acts 19:21–41
10/23/22Stephen PribbleThe Purpose of MiraclesExod. 6:28–7:13; Acts 19:11–20
10/9/22Stephen PribbleTraining for Ministry2 Kings 4:38–44; Acts 19:8–10
10/2/22Stephen PribbleReceiving Christian BaptismGen. 1:1–13; Acts 19:1–5
9/25/22Stephen PribbleMighty in the ScripturesGen. 10:6–20; Acts 18:24–28
9/18/22Stephen PribbleWinding Up the Second Missionary JourneyNum. 6:1–8; Acts 18:18–23
9/11/22Stephen PribbleHatred of Christ Brings Opposition to His ChurchNeh. 9:22–29; Acts 18:5–17
9/4/22Stephen PribbleLaboring WillinglyPs. 104:19–30; 1 Cor. 9:1–18
8/28/22Stephen PribbleTentmakingGen. 2:8–17; Acts 18:1–8
8/21/22Stephen PribbleDoes True Faith Include Repentance?Job 43:1–6; Acts 17:29–34
8/14/22Wesley ReynoldsGrumbling against the Providence of GodNum. 11:1–20
8/14/22Stephen PribbleWhat Is the Status of Children of Believers?Gen. 17:1–16; Acts 2:29–39
8/7/22Stephen PribbleObedience and the Blessing of God2 Chron. 1
8/7/22Stephen PribbleDoes God Need Anything from Us?Job 22:1–11; Acts 17:24–28
7/31/22Stephen PribbleWhere Does God Live?Ps. 11; Acts 17:22–34
7/24/22Stephen PribbleHow Should We Respond to Idolatry?Exod. 32:15–23; Acts 17:16–21
7/17/22Stephen PribbleThe Fellowship of the SaintsRom. 1:1–16
7/10/22Stephen PribbleThe Portion of My InheritancePs. 16; Eph. 1:7–14
7/10/22Stephen PribbleThe Supremacy of ScriptureJosh. 1:1–9; Acts 17:10–15
7/3/22Stephen PribbleGod Is Able: Lessons from the End of JudeJude 24–25
7/3/22Stephen PribbleWhen the Church Is a Threat to the StatePs. 2; Acts 17:5–9
6/26/22Stephen PribbleScripture-centered EvangelismDan. 10:15–21; Acts 17:1–4
6/19/22Stephen PribbleVindicationPs. 35:19–28; Acts 16:35–40
6/12/22Stephen PribbleAn Unexpected ConversionDan. 4:28–37; Acts 16:25–34
6/5/22Stephen PribbleThe Only Remedy for TyrannyPs. 82; Matt. 28
6/5/22Stephen PribbleHow Do You Respond to Adversity?Job 35; Acts 16:22–31
5/29/22Stephen PribbleWould Jesus Call a Man a Woman?Isa. 5:20–25; Matt. 19:1–6
5/29/22Stephen PribbleWhen Bad Things Happen to Good PeopleJer. 37; Acts 16:19–24
5/8/22Stephen PribbleBiblical Evangelism in ActionPs. 110; Acts 16:11–15
5/1/22Stephen PribbleGod’s Guidance1 Sam. 23:1–13; Acts 16:6–10
4/24/22Stephen PribbleA Good ReputationPs. 15; Acts 16:1–5
4/17/22Stephen PribbleThe Compassion of ChristHosea 6:1–6; Luke 10:25–37
4/10/22Stephen PribbleThe Good ShepherdIsa. 53:4–9; John 10:1–11
2/20/22Stephen PribbleUnity, Charity, ConsensusGen. 9:1–7; Acts 15:19–29
1/30/22Stephen PribbleLord of NatureJob 38:1–11; Luke 8:22–25
1/23/22Stephen PribbleOur Father’s HousePs. 23; John 14:1–6
1/23/22Stephen PribbleA People for His NameIsa. 43:1–21; Acts 15:12–21
1/16/22Wesley ReynoldsJesus’ High Priestly PrayerJohn 17
1/16/22Stephen PribbleSalvation for All the World1 Kings 8:37–43; Acts 15:6–11
1/9/22Ray LanningThe Benefits We Enjoy in This LifeEph. 1:1–14
1/9/22Stephen PribbleAdding to the GospelExod. 24; Acts 15:1–5
1/2/22Stephen Pribble“Do Not Fear, Little Flock”Luke 12:22–40
1/2/22Stephen PribbleTaking StockProv. 27:17–27; Acts 14:24–28
12/26/21Wes ReynoldsGod of the CovenantHab. 1
12/26/21Stephen PribblePlanting Presbyterian ChurchesExod. 3:1–18; Acts 14:19–23
12/19/21Wesley ReynoldsAll Hope and Victory in ChristJohn 16
12/19/21Stephen PribbleWhat’s More Important Than Life?Ps. 73; Acts 14:18–20
12/5/21Stephen PribbleRespect of PersonsLev. 19:11–18; Jas. 2:1–12
11/28/21Wes ReynoldsAn Attitude of GratitudeLev. 7:11–21
11/28/21Stephen PribbleA Divided MultitudePs. 2; Acts 14:1–7
11/21/21Wesley ReynoldsJesus’ Goodbye CommandJohn 15
11/21/21Stephen PribbleAppointed to Eternal LifeIsa. 42:1–9; Acts 13:46–52
11/14/21Stephen PribbleMy Soul in Silence Waits for GodPs. 62
11/14/21Stephen PribbleA Crisis MomentRuth 1:1–18; Acts 13:42–46
11/7/21Stephen PribbleGod’s GoodnessPs. 136
11/7/21Stephen PribbleA Sending ChurchIsa. 52:7–11; Acts 13:1–4
10/31/21Dan LipsyTrusting GodMatt. 6
10/31/21Stephen PribbleThe Heart of the GospelHab. 1:1–11; Acts 13:36–41
10/24/21Wes ReynoldsChristian SpeechExod. 20:1–8
10/24/21Stephen PribbleThe Holy One of GodPs. 16; Acts 13:29–37
10/17/21Wesley ReynoldsJesus’ Goodbye PromiseJohn 14
10/17/21Stephen PribbleThe Sure Mercies of DavidIsa. 55; Acts 13:32–37
10/10/21Stephen PribbleSalvation for the GentilesIsa. 56:1–8
10/10/21Stephen PribbleBut God Raised Him from the Dead2 Sam. 7; Acts 13:29–33
10/3/21Stephen PribbleGreat Privilege, Great ResponsibilityDeut. 31:1–13; Acts 13:26–28
9/12/21Stephen PribbleGod Seeking ManGen. 3:1–19; Acts 13:13–19
9/5/21Stephen PribbleWhat Is the Most Loving Thing to Tell an Unbeliever?Jer. 28; Acts 13:4–11
8/8/21Stephen PribblePride1 Sam. 23:5–15; Acts 12:18–24
8/1/21Stephen PribbleDeliverance!1 Kings 19:1–8; Acts 12:5–19
7/25/21Stephen PribbleWhen Christians Suffer Injustice1 Kings 21:1–13; Acts 12:1–6
7/11/21Stephen PribbleAdded!Gen. 30:17–24; Acts 2:41–47
7/4/21Stephen PribblePurpose of Heart2 Chron. 15; Acts 11:19–26
6/27/21Stephen PribbleGod Admits Gentiles into His ChurchIsa. 11:1–10; Acts 11:1–18
5/30/21Stephen PribbleDealing with ChangePs. 22:22–31; Acts 11:1–11
5/23/21Stephen PribbleA Fruitful MissionIsa. 42:1–12, 49:1–6; Acts 10:39–43
5/16/21Stephen PribbleJudge of the Living and the DeadPs. 7; Acts 10:39–43
5/2/21Stephen PribbleHandpicked WitnessesDeut. 19:15–19; Acts 10:39–43
4/25/21Stephen PribbleThe Anointed OnePs. 45; Acts 10:36–38
4/11/21Stephen PribbleWho Is Accepted by God?Ps. 15; Acts 10:34–35
4/4/21Stephen PribbleNo Respecter of PersonsLev. 19:15–18; Acts 10:34–43
3/21/21Stephen PribbleTrue WorshipDan. 3:13–18; Acts 10:24–33
3/21/21Stephen PribbleBaptism and SalvationMark 16:9–20
3/14/21Stephen Pribble“I Have Spoken; You Must Obey”Gen. 22:1–8; Acts 10:17–23
3/7/21Stephen PribbleKosher Not RequiredLev. 11:1–12; Acts 10:9–16
2/28/21Stephen PribbleA Work of Grace in an Unlikely PersonPs. 117; Acts 10:1–8
2/21/21Stephen PribbleSexual PurityGen. 39:1–12; 1 Tim. 5:1–7
2/14/21Stephen PribbleDeath and ResurrectionJob 19:23–27; Acts 9:36–43
1/31/21Stephen PribbleFull of Good Works1 Kings 18:1–15; Acts 9:36–39
1/24/21Stephen PribbleChrist the HealerPs. 103; Acts 9:32–35
1/17/21Stephen PribbleThe Most Hated Message in the WorldPs. 55; Acts 9:22–31
1/10/21Stephen PribbleJoining a CongregationPs. 26; Acts 9:26–28
1/3/21Stephen PribbleKill the Messenger!2 Chron. 24:17–22; Acts 9:20–25
12/27/20Stephen PribbleThe Son of GodPs. 2; Acts 9:20–22
12/20/20Stephen PribbleLonging for Communion with GodJer. 29:41–14; Acts 9:10–19
12/13/20Stephen PribbleChrist’s Power to SavePs. 110; Acts 9:1–9
12/6/20Stephen PribbleThe Eunuch’s BaptismIsa. 52:13–15; Acts 8:26–39
11/29/20Stephen PribbleAn Offering of ThanksgivingPs. 50; Heb. 13:10–16
11/22/20Stephen PribbleA Place and a NameIsa. 56:1–8; Acts 8:26–35
11/15/20Stephen PribbleHow God Converts a SinnerIsa. 53:3–9; Acts 8:26–35
11/8/20Stephen PribbleA Person of ColorPs. 68:19–35; Acts 8:26–31
11/1/20Stephen PribbleElection SermonPs. 97; John 10:1–10
10/25/20Stephen PribbleHearing Christ’s VoicePs. 23; John 10:22–31
10/11/20Stephen PribbleJoy in the CityPs. 144; Acts 8:4–8
10/4/20Stephen PribbleTelling the Good NewsIsa. 52:7–10; Acts 8:4–8
9/20/20Stephen PribbleIn the Face of Certain DeathPs. 31; Acts 7:57–60
9/13/20Stephen PribbleCut to the HeartPs. 35; Acts 7:54–56
9/6/20Stephen PribbleGod’s Resting Place ForeverPs. 132; Eph. 2:14–22
8/30/20Stephen PribbleA Plain-Spoken PreacherExod. 32:1–10; Acts 7:51–53
8/23/20Stephen PribbleJonah’s TestimonyJonah 2; Heb. 13:13–16
8/9/20Stephen PribbleHow Important Is Worship to You?Josh. 3; Acts 7:44–50
8/2/20Stephen PribbleAs He AppointedExod. 25:1–9, 10, 17, 23, 31, 37–40; Acts 7:44–50
7/26/20Stephen PribbleReformed WorshipExod. 32:1–10; Acts 7:38–43
7/19/20Stephen PribbleThe Infallible ProphetDeut. 18:15–22; Acts 7:37–39
7/12/20Ray Lanning“Christ Crowned as Lord of All”Ps. 22:22–31; Phil. 2:5–11
7/5/20Stephen PribbleA Ruler and Deliverer2 Chron. 26:16–21; Acts 7:33–36
6/28/20Stephen PribbleThe Voice of the LordPs. 29; Acts 7:30–33
6/21/20Stephen PribbleVengeance Is Mine!Exod. 2:11–15; Acts 7:23–28
6/14/20Stephen PribbleGod’s Promise Triumphs Over Man’s WisdomPs. 119:121–128; Acts 7:17–22
6/7/20Stephen PribbleGod Preserves the Holy SeedGen. 41:53–57; Acts 7:11–16
5/31/20Stephen PribbleTrial: Prelude to ExaltationGen. 35:11–28; Acts 7:8–10
5/24/20Stephen PribbleA Church without FearPs. 105:1–12; Acts 7:1–8
5/17/20Stephen PribbleStephen’s Defense before the SanhedrinGen. 12:1–5; Acts 7:1–8
5/10/20Stephen PribbleThe Devil Fights Dirty1 Kings 21:1–13; Acts 6:8–15
5/3/20Stephen PribbleIrresistible WisdomIsa. 54:11–17; Acts 6:8–11
4/26/20Stephen PribbleImplementing Good CounselPs. 132; Acts 6:5–7
4/19/20Stephen PribbleThe Ministry of the WordDeut. 6:1–9; Acts 6:1–4
4/12/20Stephen PribbleGodly CharacterNum. 11:11–17; Acts 6:1–4
4/5/20Stephen PribbleCare for the DowntroddenLev. 19:9–10; Acts 6:1–4
3/29/20Stephen PribbleThe Church’s Response to Official PersecutionPs. 37:1–15; Acts 5:33–42
3/22/20Stephen PribbleWhether by Life or by DeathJob 23:1–10; Phil. 1:19–26
3/15/20Ray Lanning“Faith Tried in the Crucible of Suffering”Ps. 22
3/8/20Stephen PribbleClash of KingdomsDan. 3:1–18; Acts 5:27–32
2/23/20Stephen PribbleUnprecedented BlessingLev. 26:3–12; Acts 5:12–16
2/16/20Stephen PribbleSin in the ChurchJosh. 7:1–13; Acts 4:36–5:11
2/2/20Stephen PribbleVoluntary CharityExod. 22:21–27; Acts 4:32–37
1/26/20Stephen PribbleThe Basis of the Believer’s ConfidenceGen. 50:14–21; Acts 4:23–31
1/19/20Stephen PribbleHow to Respond to TroublePs. 34; Acts 4:23–31
1/12/20Stephen PribbleFaithful WitnessJer. 1:1–10; Acts 4:13–22
1/5/20Stephen PribbleHigher Education vs. Knowing JesusJer. 31:31–37; Acts 4:13
12/29/19Stephen PribbleKing of Kings and Lord of LordsIsa. 49:1–7; Rev. 19:11–16
12/22/19Stephen PribbleFor the Honor of ChristProv. 6:12–19; Zechariah 8:14–17; Phil. 2:5–11
12/15/19Ray Lanning“The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”Isa. 40:3–8; Malachi 3:1–6; Mark 1:1–11
12/8/19Stephen PribbleWas Judas Elect?Deut. 7:6–11; Acts 1:15–20
12/1/19Stephen PribbleA Messed-up WorldRuth 1; Rom. 15:1–4
11/24/19Stephen PribbleA Worshipping HeartPs. 45; Eph. 5:25–29
11/17/19Stephen PribbleConversion TherapyPs. 51:1–11; Matt. 18:1–6
11/10/19Stephen PribbleThe Name by Which We Are SavedIsa. 45:20–25; Acts 4:5–12
11/3/19Stephen PribblePersecuted for the Faith1 Kings 18:1–19; Acts 4:1–12
10/27/19Stephen PribblePet.’s Theology of ChristPs. 16; Acts 3:14–16
10/20/19Stephen PribbleServant of GodIsa. 42:1–7; Acts 3:11–26
10/13/19Stephen PribbleApostolic Preaching (Part 2)Deut. 18:15–19; Acts 3:11–26
10/6/19Stephen PribbleWalking, Leaping and Praising GodIsa. 35; Acts 3:1–10
9/29/19Stephen PribbleThe Ordinary Means of Grace (Part 2)Deut. 31:9–13; Acts 2:37–47
9/22/19Stephen PribbleThe Ordinary Means of GraceNeh. 8:1–8; Acts 2:37–47
9/15/19Stephen PribbleDavid’s Prophecy2 Sam. 7:8–16; Acts 2:29–36
9/8/19Stephen PribbleApostolic PreachingPs. 16; Acts 2:22–28
9/1/19Stephen PribbleFulfilled ProphecyJoel 2:23–32; Acts 2:14–21
8/25/19Stephen PribbleA Pentecost Like No OtherLev. 23:15–21; Acts 2:1–11
8/18/19Stephen PribbleNot Utterly Cast DownPs. 37:23–29; Luke 22:24–34
8/11/19Garry Knaebel“A Thirst for God Together”Ps. 63:1–4
7/28/19Stephen PribbleThe Secret to the Church’s Success1 Kings 8:37–52; Acts 1:12–14
7/14/19Stephen PribbleThe Baptism with the Holy SpiritZechariah 12:10–14; Acts 1:1–8
7/7/19Stephen PribbleThe Holy Spirit and EvangelismEzek. 36:22–29; Acts 1:1–8
6/30/19Stephen PribbleThe God of HopePs. 42; Rom. 15:1–13
6/16/19Stephen PribbleTopsy-TurvyIsa. 5:18–26; Matt. 10:24–26
6/9/19Stephen PribbleFulfilled in ChristPs. 40:1–10; Matt. 5:17–20
6/2/19Stephen PribbleIs the Lord Your Shepherd?Ps. 23; John 14:15–17
5/26/19Stephen PribbleMemorial DayExod. 13:3–10; Luke 22:14–20
5/19/19Stephen PribbleA Day of Good News2 Kings 7:1–11; 2 Cor. 6:1–2
5/12/19Stephen PribbleConquering FaithExod. 2:1–10; 2 Tim. 1:1–6
5/5/19Stephen PribbleLove Your EnemiesLev. 19:13–18; Matt. 5:43–48
4/28/19Stephen PribbleThe Sin of Wandering from the TruthJer. 50:4–7; Jas. 5:19–20
4/21/19Stephen PribbleWho Has Abolished DeathPs. 104:24–35; 2 Tim. 1:8–12
4/14/19Stephen PribbleEffective Prayer1 Kings 17:1–7; Jas. 5:16–18
4/7/19Stephen PribbleChristians Sin Too2 Sam. 12:1–10; Jas. 5:16
3/31/19Stephen PribbleGod Uses MeansPs. 30; Jas. 5:13–15
3/24/19Stephen PribblePrayer for the SickPs. 103; Jas. 5:13–15
3/17/19Stephen PribbleI Swear to GodDeut. 10:20–22; Jas. 5:12
3/10/19Stephen PribbleThe Secret of EnduranceJob 1; Jas. 5:10–11
3/3/19Stephen PribbleWhy Be Patient?Ezek. 7:1–9; Jas. 5:7–9
2/24/19Stephen PribbleOppressing the PoorDeut. 24:10–18; Jas. 5:1–6
2/17/19Stephen PribbleGreater GuiltIsa. 5:18–25; Jas. 4:17
2/10/19Stephen PribbleIncomplete KnowledgeIsa. 46:5–11; Jas. 4:13–16
2/3/19Stephen PribbleSpeaking Evil of a BrotherLev. 19:11–18; Jas. 4:11–12
1/27/19Stephen PribbleHeart ReligionPs. 24; Jas. 4:7–10
1/20/19Stephen PribbleAntidote to WorldlinessPs. 73:16–28; Jas. 4:7–10
1/13/19Stephen PribbleRuined by the FallGen. 6:5–12; Jas. 4:4–6
1/6/19Stephen PribbleFriendship with the WorldGen. 3:1–19; Jas. 4:1–4
12/30/18Stephen PribbleSong of SimeonGen. 15:12–21; Luke 2:22–35
12/23/18Stephen PribbleSong of the Angels1 Chron. 16:23–29; Luke 2:1–14
12/16/18Stephen PribbleSong of ZechariahPs. 18:1–19; Luke 1:57–80
12/9/18Stephen PribbleSong of MaryPs. 34:1–7; Luke 1:39–55
12/2/18Stephen PribbleJames Takes Off the GlovesJer. 9:1–6; Jas. 4:1–4
11/11/18Stephen PribbleJealousyGen. 37:9–25; Jas. 3:13–16
11/4/18Stephen PribbleThe Necessary AttitudePs. 37:7–11; Jas. 3:13–16
10/28/18Stephen PribbleDiscerning HypocrisyIsa. 5:1–7; Jas. 3:8–12
10/21/18Stephen PribblePower to Bless, Power to CursePs. 12; Jas. 3:5–12
10/14/18Stephen PribbleJudged with Greater StrictnessEzek. 3:16–21; Jas. 3:1–5
10/7/18Stephen PribbleWhy Do You Do Good Works?Josh. 2:1–21; Jas. 2:24–26
9/30/18Stephen PribbleJustified by WorksGen. 22:1–3, 9–12; Jas. 2:18–26
9/23/18Stephen PribbleA True and Lively FaithJer. 7:1–11; Jas. 2:14–17
9/16/18Stephen PribbleAfter Suffering, RejoicingPs. 51:7–13; 1 Pet. 2:19–21
7/29/18Stephen PribbleThe Need for ReconciliationIsa. 52:7–10; 2 Cor. 5:18–21
7/22/18Stephen PribbleThe Necessity of Perfect ObedienceDeut. 27:14–26; Jas. 2:10–13
7/15/18Stephen PribblePoor but BlessedIsa. 14:28–32; Jas. 2:5–9
7/8/18Stephen PribbleRespect of Persons1 Sam. 16:1–13; Jas. 2:1–4
7/1/18Stephen PribbleBridling the TongueProv. 15:1–7; Jas. 1:26–27
6/24/18Stephen PribbleEnthroned in the Praises of His PeoplePs. 22:1–3
6/17/18Stephen PribbleAn Abundant HarvestAmos 9:11–15; John 4:21–42
6/10/18Stephen PribbleResponding to the WordJoel 3:9–16; Jas. 1:22–25
6/3/18Stephen PribbleHow to Profit from Being Born AgainZephaniah 2:1–3; Jas. 1:21–25
5/27/18Stephen PribbleSwift to HearProv. 8:22–36; Jas. 1:19–21
5/20/18Stephen PribbleEvery Good and Perfect GiftGen. 1:1–5, 14–18; Jas. 1:16–18
5/13/18Stephen PribbleWhy Do Things Go Wrong?Job 5:17–24; Jas. 1:12–15
4/29/18Stephen PribbleGot Wisdom?Job 28:12–19; Jas. 1:5–8
4/22/18Stephen PribblePractical Christianity 101: PatiencePs. 37:1–11; Jas. 1:1–4
4/15/18Stephen PribbleWhat Good Is Worship If God Is Not Here?Exod. 40:17–38; Luke 9:28–35
4/8/18Stephen PribbleAnointing the TabernacleExod. 40:1–16; Luke 4:16–21
4/1/18Stephen PribbleWho Is This Jesus?Ps. 16; Luke 24:1–12
3/25/18Stephen PribbleThe Tabernacle Passes MusterExod. 39:32–43; 2 Cor. 5:9–11
3/18/18Stephen PribblePriestly GarmentsExod. 39:22–31; Galatians 3:26–29
3/11/18Stephen PribblePrayer: No Hope without It!Exod. 39:1–21; John 17:6–9, 20–21
3/4/18Stephen PribbleWorthy of Our BestExod. 38:21–31; 1 Cor. 3:9–17
2/18/18Stephen PribbleThe Tabernacle and the ChurchExod. 38:9–20; 1 Tim. 3:14–15
2/18/18Stephen PribbleServing WomenExod. 38:8; Mark 15:37–41
2/11/18Stephen PribbleOne AltarExod. 38:1–7; Heb. 13:9–15
2/4/18Stephen PribbleThe Prayers of the SaintsExod. 37:25–29; Rev. 8:1–4
1/28/18Stephen PribbleFather’s ArmsDeut. 29:10–13; Matt. 19:1–10
1/21/18Stephen PribbleThe Light of the WorldExod. 37:17–24; John 8:12–16
1/14/18Stephen PribbleThe Table of the LordExod. 37:10–16; Rev. 19:6–10
1/7/18Stephen PribbleGod’s Majestic PresenceExod. 37:1–9; Heb. 9:1–9
12/31/17Stephen PribbleWise in HeartExod. 36; 2 Cor. 9:6–9
12/24/17Stephen PribbleNot Everyone Wants Peace on EarthPs. 4; Rev. 12
12/17/17Stephen PribbleDetails, Details!Exod. 35; John 14:13–26
12/10/17Stephen PribbleThe Kind of Worship God WantsExod. 34:18–35; 2 Cor. 3:7–18
12/3/17Stephen PribbleGod’s Excellent CharacterExod. 34:1–17; Luke 6:35–36
11/26/17Stephen PribbleGod’s PresenceExod. 33; Matt. 28:16–20
11/19/17Stephen PribbleOur Need for a SubstituteExod. 32:15–35; Rom. 9:1–5
11/12/17Stephen PribbleThe Problem of IdolatryExod. 32:1–14; Acts 7:37–41
11/5/17Stephen PribbleWord and SacramentNeh. 8:1–6, Acts 20:1–12
10/22/17Stephen PribblePreach the Word!Jonah 3:1–7, 2 Tim. 4:1–5
10/15/17Stephen PribbleWhy Christ CamePs. 1, 1 Tim. 1:1–17
10/8/17Dan BrattIn Praise of the Greatness of Jesus ChristPs. 75:1–3, Heb. 1:1–4
10/1/17Stephen PribbleA Dwelling Place for GodExod. 31, Eph. 2:14–22
9/24/17Stephen PribbleCompletely CleanExod. 30:17–21, John 13:1–10
9/17/17Stephen PribbleBy GracePs. 89:1–7, Eph. 2:1–10
9/10/17Stephen PribblePrayer as a Sweet Odor to GodExod. 30, Luke 1:5–14
9/3/17Stephen PribbleSet Apart for ServiceExod. 29, Acts 13:1–5
8/27/17Stephen PribbleThe High Priest’s GarmentsExod. 28, Rev. 19:11–14
8/20/17Stephen PribbleThe Altar of Burnt OfferingExod. 27, Heb. 13:10–16
8/13/17Stephen PribbleProtection from a Holy GodExod. 26, Mark 15:33–39
8/6/17Stephen PribbleGod Wants to Be LovedExod. 25, Luke 10:25–28
7/30/17Stephen PribbleThey Saw God!Exod. 24, Matt. 5:3–10
7/16/17Stephen PribbleHow to Be CircumspectExod. 23, Eph. 5:11–17
7/9/17Stephen PribbleMaking RestitutionExod. 22, Luke 19:1–10
7/2/17Stephen PribbleThe Case Laws: Divine JudgmentsExod. 21, John 8:13–18
6/25/17Stephen PribbleCompel Them to Come InLuke 14:15–24
6/18/17Stephen PribbleWho Gets to Make the Rules?Exod. 20, Rom. 10:9–13
6/11/17Stephen PribbleThe Holiness of GodExod. 19, 1 Pet. 2:1–10
6/4/17Stephen PribbleYou Are Not Indispensable!Exod. 18, Col. 3:1–4
5/28/17Stephen PribbleGive Us Water to DrinkExod. 17, John 4:1–15
5/21/17Stephen PribbleGod Feeds His PeopleExod. 16, John 6:30–35
5/14/17Stephen PribbleThen Sings My SoulExod. 15, Rev. 15:1–4
5/7/17Stephen PribbleThe Salvation of the LordExod. 14, Luke 2:25–32
4/30/17Stephen PribbleThe Lord’s PropertyExod. 13, 1 Cor. 6:15–20
4/23/17Stephen PribbleThe Institution of the PassoverExod. 12:25–51, Eph. 2:8–13
4/16/17Stephen PribbleThe Lord’s PassoverExod. 12:1–24, Matt. 26:17–22
4/9/17Stephen PribbleThe Firstborn Comes ForthExod. 11, Col. 1:13–18
4/2/17Stephen PribbleTeaching the Next GenerationExod. 10, Mark 10:13–16
3/26/17Stephen PribbleWillful UnbeliefExod. 9, Rom. 9:14–24
3/19/17Stephen PribbleTotal Depravity: A Case StudyExod. 8, Eph. 2:1–10
3/12/17Stephen PribbleTwo Responses to TruthExod. 7, Jas. 2:12–15
3/5/17Stephen PribbleThe Right God, the Right MosesExod. 6, John 8:21–30
2/26/17Stephen PribbleIf I’m Obeying God, Why Are Things Turning Out So Bad?Exod. 5, 1 Pet. 1:3–9
2/19/17Stephen PribbleA Longsuffering Father, a Firstborn SonExod. 4, 1 Tim. 5:1–2
2/12/17Stephen PribbleThe Commissioning of MosesExod. 3, Col. 1:12–14
2/5/17Stephen PribbleGod’s Merciful CovenantExod. 2, Luke 1:67–75
1/29/17Stephen PribbleBondage!Exod. 1, John 8:30–36
1/22/17Stephen PribbleServant of the LordRuth 4:16–22, 2 Tim. 2:23–26
1/15/17Stephen PribbleA Restorer of LifeRuth 4:13–15, Mark 8:22–25
1/8/17Stephen PribbleA Legal Transaction Announced and WitnessedRuth 4:7–11, John 19:28–30
1/1/17Stephen PribbleA New BeginningIsa. 42:1–9, 2 Cor. 5:14–21
12/18/16Stephen PribbleA Blessed EventRuth 4:13–14, Mark 10:13–16
12/4/16Stephen PribbleWhat an Inheritance!Ruth 4:7–12, Eph. 1:15–23
11/27/16Stephen PribbleA Promise KeeperRuth 4:1–6, Matt. 5:33–37
11/20/16Stephen PribbleOur Willing KinsmanRuth 3:10–18, Mark 10:35–45
11/13/16Stephen PribbleI Have a Proposition for You!Ruth 3:1–9, Luke 13:34–35
11/6/16Stephen PribbleA Close RelativeRuth 2:19–23, Heb. 2:11–17
10/30/16Stephen PribbleThe Generous HostRuth 2:14–18, Eph. 2:17–22
10/23/16Stephen PribbleThe Proof of FaithRuth 2:4–13, 1 Tim. 1:5–7
10/16/16Stephen PribbleOur Happening—God’s PlanRuth 2:1–7, Acts 4:23–31
10/9/16Stephen PribbleThe Lord’s Discipline an Act of GraceRuth 1:19–22, Heb. 12:3–11
10/2/16Stephen PribbleThe Calling of the GentilesRuth 1:10–18, Matt. 15:21–28
9/25/16Stephen PribbleThe Place of RestRuth 1:6–9, Heb. 4:1–3, 8–11
9/18/16Stephen PribbleA Messed–up WorldRuth 1:1–5, Rom. 15:1–4
9/4/16Stephen PribbleThe Only Appropriate Response to So Great a BlessingPs. 119:1–8, Luke 24:49–53
8/28/16Stephen PribbleThe Reason Christ Had to SufferIsa. 55:4–9, Luke 24:44–48
8/21/16Stephen PribblePeace to You!Isa. 9:6–7, Luke 24:36–43
8/14/16Stephen PribbleDelighting in God's WordPs. 119:9–16, Luke 24:28–35
8/7/16Stephen PribbleThe Key to the BiblePs. 130, Luke 24:13–27
7/31/16Stephen PribbleNonsense!Gen. 19:12–16, Luke 24:9–11
7/24/16Stephen PribbleA Promise KeptPs. 16, Luke 24:1–8
7/17/16Stephen PribbleIs There Any Place of Safety?Jer. 6:20–25, Matt. 24:1–9
7/3/16Stephen PribbleWhat the World Hates Most1 Kings 18:1–4, 13; Acts 7:51–8:2
5/15/16Stephen PribbleMale and FemaleGen. 1:26–28, 5:1–2; Matt. 19:3–6
5/8/16Stephen PribbleJesus' BurialLuke 23:50–56
5/1/16Stephen PribbleDivision of Labor (Dan Lipsy Ordination)Exod. 18:12–27
4/24/16Stephen PribbleNoah and the FloodGen. 6:1–14
4/17/16Stephen PribbleAccess to the FatherLuke 23:44–49
4/10/16Stephen PribbleChristian CharacterTitus 1:5–9
3/13/16Stephen PribbleBeaten and QuestionedLuke 22:63–71
3/6/16Stephen PribbleDenying ChristLuke 22:54–62
2/14/16Stephen PribbleChrist Will Preserve His Disciples in Gospel ConflictLuke 22:35–38
2/7/16Stephen PribbleThe Most Important Thing the Church DoesHeb. 12:18–29
1/17/16Stephen PribbleAn Inside JobLuke 22:19–23
1/10/16Stephen PribbleChrist Desires the Fellowship of His PeopleLuke 22:13–20
1/3/16Stephen PribbleCelebrating the PassoverLuke 22:7–14
12/27/15Stephen PribbleBetrayal !Luke 22:1–6
12/20/15Stephen PribbleThis One Shall Be Peace: A King from a Town of No RenownMicah 5:2–5
12/13/15Stephen PribbleThe First Human to Recognize JesusLuke 21:39–45
12/6/15Stephen PribbleBe Alert for Christ’s ComingLuke 21:34–38
11/22/15Stephen PribbleLights out for Jerusalem!Luke 21:25–33
11/15/15Stephen PribbleThe Sorry End of Those Who Break Faith with ChristLuke 21:20–28
11/8/15Stephen PribbleGod Oversees TragedyLuke 21:10–19
11/1/15Stephen PribbleJudgment Is Coming!Luke 21:5–9
10/18/15Stephen PribbleHypocrisy in WorshipLuke 20:45–47
10/11/15Stephen PribbleDavid's Son and David's LordLuke 20:41–44
9/27/15Stephen PribbleSuperior Wisdom Silencing FoesLuke 20:19–26